Chiranjeev Baby tonic 100 ml
1.Best care for childs health.
2.Fights general debility and cold conditions.
3.Fights cough,nausea and vomiting.
4.Helpful in teething related problems,diarrhoea,liver disorders and rickets.
5.Good for digestion.
The Meghdoot Chiranjeev Baby Tonic has been formulated after years of extensive research to provide the best care for your child’s health. It helps fight general debility, common cold conditions, cough, nausea and vomiting, acute gastritis, teething related problems, diarrhoea, liver disorders and rickets.
Useful in general debility, common cold conditions, cough, nausea & vomiting, acute gastritis, teething related problems, diarrhoea, liver disorders & rickets.
To be taken four time a day. Children below 2 years: Half tea spoon with milk. Children from 2 years to 5 years: One tea spoon with milk.
दांत निकलने में कष्ट, हरे पीले दस्त, उल्टी बुखार, खांसी, सर्दी में तुरन्त लाभ पहंचाता है। साथ ही जिगर एवं सूखा रोग पर भी लाभदायक है।
दो वर्ष से छोटे बच्चों को दिन में चार बार दस-दस बूंद की मात्रा में गाय अथवा मां के दूध के साथ। दो साल से पांच साल तक के बच्चों को बीस बूंद तक गाय के दूध में दिन में तीन बार दें।
Adusa,Tulsi leaf,Pudina,Amultus pulp,Choti haran,Vayu Vidang,Ashwagandha,Satawar,Chikiya chuhaga,Musabbar,Jaifal,Kakadsingi,Lime water,Gulab flower,Nagarmotha,Satloban,Pipermint,Sugar,Gulbanbasa.
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